La Promesa 25. Episode

Leonor ne može reći svom ocu da je zaljubljena u Maura, ali on ništa ni ne sluti. Nakon što je prodala broš obitelji Luján, Cruz može proslaviti rođendan u stilu, ali ne otkriva Alonsu odakle joj novac.

U stakleniku Curro govori Jani da je ne može podnijeti, ali ona mu proturječi. U nemogućnosti da obuzda svoj bijes, on se sprema udariti je.

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La Promesa 25. Episode in English

Leonor cannot tell her father that she is in love with Mauro, but he has no idea. After selling the brooch to the Luján family, Cruz is able to celebrate her birthday in style, but she doesn’t tell Alonso where she got the money from.

In the greenhouse, Curro tells Jana that he can’t stand her, but she contradicts him. Unable to contain his anger, he prepares to strike her.

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