La Promesa 1 Episode

Jana dolazi u veličanstvenu palaču La Promesa na dan sklapanja ugovorenog braka Don Tomása, nasljednika obitelji Luján, i Jimene de los Infantes.

Jana uspijeva dobiti posao kao zamjena za otpuštenu sluškinju koja je pomagala oko priprema za vjenčanje. Prva osoba koju susreće je mladoženjin mlađi brat, Don Manuel. Ustvari, Jana nije slučajno došla ovamo. Ona traga za ubojicom svoje majke i otmičarem svojega brata.

Našavši se u škripcu, Jana je prisiljena povjeriti Tomásu svoj plan, a on misli da zna tko je taj zločin počinio…

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La Promesa 1. Episode in English

Jana arrives at the magnificent palace of La Promesa on the day of the arranged marriage of Don Tomás, heir to the Luján family, and Jimena de los Infantes.

Jana manages to get a job as a replacement for the fired maid who was helping with the wedding preparations. The first person she meets is the groom’s younger brother, Don Manuel. Actually, Jana didn’t come here by chance. She is looking for her mother’s killer and her brother’s kidnapper.

Finding herself in a bind, Jana is forced to confide her plan to Tomás, and he thinks he knows who committed the crime…

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