La Promesa 10 Episode

Kad sazna da je Alonso bankrotirao, Cruz odlučuje preuzeti upravljanje imanjem La Promesa. Barun joj ponudi pomoć, no ima skrivene namjere.

Catalina se konačno u nečemu složi sa svojom maćehom – posljednja stvar koju bi Alonso trebao učiniti jest pustiti da mu pomogne njegov punac. Već se dovoljno zadužio u banci i nipošto mu ne treba pozajmica od zelenaša kao što je barun.

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La Promesa 10. Episode in English

When he learns that Alonso is bankrupt, Cruz decides to take over the management of the La Promesa estate. The baron offers her help, but he has ulterior motives.

Catalina finally agrees with her stepmother on something – the last thing Alonso should do is let his stepfather help him. He has already borrowed enough from the bank and by no means needs a loan from a greenhorn like the baron.

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