La Promesa 2 Episode

Dok Tomásovo tijelo leži u stakleniku, počinju se širiti sumnje o tome tko je krivac, ali Cruz ih nastoji sasjeći u korijenu. Jana se želi riješiti prstena koji joj je dao Tomás, a koji bi ju mogao inkriminirati, ali to neće proći glatko.

Cruz se opire, ali Alonso na kraju pozove civilnu gardu i narednik Conrado stiže na imanje La Promesa te pokreće istragu.

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La Promesa 2. Episode in English

As Tomás’ body lies in the greenhouse, suspicions begin to spread about who the culprit is, but Cruz tries to nip them in the bud. Jana wants to get rid of the ring Tomás gave her, which could incriminate her, but it won’t go smoothly.

Cruz resists, but Alonso eventually calls the Civil Guard and Sergeant Conrado arrives at the La Promesa estate and begins an investigation.

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