Privlačnost između Jane i Manuela je očita. María Fernández očajava kad shvati da se njezina prijateljica revolucionarka zaljubila u andaluzijskog gospodina.
Cruz i Alonso znaju da prije ili kasnije moraju objaviti Manuelu vojvodinu ponudu. Ako se pristane oženiti Tomásovom udovicom, markiz će konačno dobiti obećani miraz i podmirit će sve dugove. Ali nasljednik Manuel de Luján je duhom buntovnik, a uz to ima i tajnu, iako nemoguću ljubav.
La Promesa 20. Episode in English
The attraction between Jane and Manuel is obvious. María Fernández despairs when she realizes that her revolutionary friend has fallen in love with an Andalusian gentleman.
Cruz and Alonso know that sooner or later they have to announce the duke’s offer to Manuel. If he agrees to marry Tomás’s widow, the Marquis will finally receive the promised dowry and settle all debts. But the heir Manuel de Luján is a rebel in spirit, and he also has a secret, albeit impossible, love.