La Promesa 23. Episode

Jana pod svaku cijenu želi otkriti je li Curro njezin brat, no ubrzo uviđa da, bio on njoj u rodu ili ne, nagla i gotovo okrutna narav tog mladića mogla bi ga uskoro dovesti u ozbiljnu nevolju.

Sumnja da je Lope zagonetni kuhar odvraća Simonu od daljnje istrage. Ali Lope ne odustaje, osobito kad na La Promesu stiže pismo njezina sina.

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La Promesa 23. Episode in English

Jana wants to find out at all costs if Curro is her brother, but she soon realizes that, whether he is related to her or not, the abrupt and almost cruel nature of that young man could soon get him into serious trouble.

Simona’s suspicion that Lope is the enigmatic chef is dissuading her from further investigation. But Lope does not give up, especially when her son’s letter arrives at La Promesa.

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