La Promesa 8 Episode

Na markizin užas, narednik Funes je sve uvjereniji da je Tomásov ubojica nitko drugi doli Manuel, njegov polubrat. Budući da ga nikako ne može urazumiti, a ne može mu reći ni istinu (da je ona ubojica), Cruz odluči zaigrati na drugu kartu.

Zdravlje kuharice Simone se u međuvremenu još više pogoršalo. Jana zna što je Simoni i misli da joj može pomoći, ali ni Rómulo ni Pía ne žele riskirati te žele pričekati liječnika.

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La Promesa 8. Episode in English

To the marquise’s horror, Sergeant Funes is increasingly convinced that Tomás’s killer is none other than Manuel, his half-brother. Since she can’t reason with him at all, and she can’t even tell him the truth (that she’s a murderer), Cruz decides to play another card.

In the meantime, cook Simone’s health deteriorated even more. Jana knows what Simoni is and thinks she can help her, but neither Rómulo nor Pía want to risk it and want to wait for the doctor.

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