Safir 1. Epizoda

Jedna od najpoznatijih i najbogatijih porodica Kapadokije – Gulsoj,okupljaju se nakon što se njihov najstariji sin Ateš vrati iz Amerike. Nakon definitivnog povratka svog brata, Yaman odlučuje dati iznenadnu ponudu za brak svojoj ljubavi iz djetinjstva, Feraye, na njen rođendan.

Međutim, katastrofa koja se te noći dogodila njemu i njegovom mlađem bratu Okanu promijenit će ravnotežu i svima preokrenuti živote.

Safir 1. Episode in English

One of the most famous and richest families of Cappadocia – Gulsoj, gathers after their eldest son Ateš returns from America. After the definitive return of his brother, Yaman decides to make a surprise marriage proposal to his childhood sweetheart, Feraya, on her birthday.

However, the disaster that befell him and his younger brother Okan that night will change the balance and turn everyone’s lives upside down.

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