Safir 2. Epizoda

Feraje, koja je saznala da će dobiti dijete, sada je u težoj situaciji. Ona želi da niko ne zna za dijete. Da li će Ateš moći da čuva Ferajinu tajnu? Jaman se zbog pretnji Džemile ženi Alejnom.

Porodica Gulsoj je u šoku od ovog iznenadnog vjenčanja. S druge strane, dok Vural traži sina, dešava se neočekivani događaj koji izaziva veliki broj nedoumica.

Safir 2. Episode in English

Feraje, who found out that she will have a child, is now in a more difficult situation. She wants no one to know about the child. Will Ateš be able to keep Feraja’s secret? Jaman marries Alejna because of Dzemila’s threats.

The Gulsoj family is in shock from this sudden wedding. On the other hand, while Vural is looking for his son, an unexpected event happens that causes a lot of doubts.

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