La Promesa 11 Episode

Samo Manuel može iz Pueble donijeti adrenalin za Simonu. Jana ga je pozvala u pomoć, ali nije očekivala da će i sama morati na put. Cruz potrese iznenadni posjet narednika Conrada. Ona se trudi vjerovati da je posjet puka formalnost kako bi zaključio slučaj, ali Conrado objavi upravo suprotno.

Jana daje sve od sebe kako bi hitno dovela liječnika koji treba spasiti umiruću Simonu usprkos Candelinom protivljenju da se kuharici itko približi.

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La Promesa 11. Episode in English

Only Manuel can bring adrenaline for Simona from Puebla. Jana called him for help, but she did not expect that she would have to go on the trip herself. Cruz is shaken by a surprise visit from Sergeant Conrad. She tries to believe that the visit is a mere formality to close the case, but Conrado announces just the opposite.

Jana does her best to urgently bring the doctor who needs to save the dying Simona despite Candela’s opposition to anyone getting close to the cook.

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