La Promesa 15 Episode

Nakon što je Petra prisili, Pía pred cijelim osobljem priznaje da je trudna. Svi su šokirani i obasipaju je pitanjima, ali Pía im jasno daje do znanja da neće odgovoriti ni na jedno pitanje. Domaćica se boji da je naljutila Rómula, ali on joj kaže da ga muči jedino to što mu nije i ranije vjerovala.

Jana odlazi s La Promese uz izliku da se mora brinuti o bolesnoj rođakinji u Valenciji, ali u stvarnosti odlazi u potragu za svojim bratom. Oprašta se s Manuelom i oboje su vrlo tužni što se zauvijek rastaju.

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La Promesa 15. Episode in English

After Petra forces her, Pía confesses that she is pregnant in front of the entire staff. Everyone is shocked and bombards her with questions, but Pía makes it clear that she won’t answer any questions. The housewife is afraid that she has angered Rómulo, but he tells her that the only thing that bothers him is that she didn’t trust him before.

Jana leaves La Promesa under the pretext that she has to take care of a sick relative in Valencia, but in reality she goes in search of her brother. He says goodbye to Manuel and they are both very sad to be parting forever.

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