La Promesa 17 Episode

Manuel se prijavio za letenje avionom na Pedroches Cupu. Jedino će Jani povjeriti svoj plan o tome kako kani pobijediti na prvenstvu ne bi li markiz konačno ozbiljno shvatio njegovo letenje. U međuvremenu, Teresa primjećuje da se Leonor prema Mauru odnosi s prezirom. On pati jer je još voli. Teresa to uviđa i ponudi Mauru svoju punu podršku. Iako više nisu par, i dalje se vole.

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La Promesa 17. Episode in English

Manuel signed up to fly the plane in the Pedroches Cup. Only Jana will confide his plan about how he wants to win the championship, if the Marquis doesn’t finally take his flying seriously. Meanwhile, Teresa notices that Leonor treats Mauro with contempt. He suffers because he still loves her. Teresa sees this and offers Mauro her full support. Although they are no longer a couple, they still love each other.

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