La Promesa 18 Episode

Vojvoda prihvaća poziv za sudjelovanje u lovu, a Cruz odluči sve urediti tako da u lovu bude među prvima. Manuel također mora sudjelovati što omete njegove planove o pripremi aviona za natjecanje. Ali on za pomoć zamoli Janu i ona mu pristane pomoći. Hoće li stići na vrijeme? Vojvoda uživa u lovu i Manuelovu društvu, a poslije večere odlazi porazgovarati s Alonsom. Kani mu dati ponudu koja će zauvijek promijeniti Manuelovu sudbinu.

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La Promesa 18. Episode in English

The Duke accepts the invitation to participate in the hunt, and Cruz decides to arrange everything so that he will be among the first in the hunt. Manuel also has to participate which interferes with his plans to prepare the plane for the competition. But he asks Jana for help and she agrees to help him. Will they arrive on time? The Duke enjoys hunting and Manuel’s company, and after dinner he goes to talk with Alonso. Kani makes him an offer that will change Manuel’s fate forever.

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