La Promesa 19 Episode

Alonso povjeri Cruz vojvodinu ponudu – kako bi dobio miraz, Manuel mora oženiti Jimenu. Ali Manuel ima druge planove. Nakon što je proveo noć podešavajući avion, on rano iduće jutro odlazi na Pedroches Cup. Nije svjestan kakvu će zabrinutost njegova odsutnost prouzročiti na La Promesi. Svi su zabrinuti, uključujući i Janu koja ne shvaća zašto kasni te se boji da je uletio u oluju.

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La Promesa 19. Episode in English

Alonso trusts Cruz with the duke’s offer – in order to receive a dowry, Manuel must marry Jimena. But Manuel has other plans. After spending the night tuning the plane, he leaves early the next morning for the Pedroches Cup. He is unaware of the concern his absence will cause at La Promesa. Everyone is worried, including Jana who does not understand why he is late and is afraid that he ran into a storm.

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