La Promesa 22. Episode

Jimena stiže na La Promesu i Manuel potvrdi da njezini roditelji žele da se uda za njega. Međutim, ona se tome protivi. Pía se pita bi li trebala dijete zadržati ili pobaciti.

Jana obećava da će joj pružiti podršku kako god bude mogla. U međuvremenu, Jana se bori sa svojom odlukom da se udalji od Manuela, a ujedno pokušava razgovarati s Currom koji se prema njoj odnosi s prezirom.

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La Promesa 22. Episode in English

Jimena arrives at La Promesa and Manuel confirms that her parents want her to marry him. However, she is against it. Pía wonders if she should keep the child or abort it.

Jana promises to support her in any way she can. Meanwhile, Jana struggles with her decision to distance herself from Manuel, while also trying to talk to Curro, who treats her with contempt.

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