La Promesa 3 Episode

Jana sakrije Tomásov prsten i majčinu fotografiju u sobi koju dijeli s Maríom Fernández. Dok obitelj i sluge sudjeluju u Conradovoj istrazi, ona se pokorava markizinim ponižavajućim naredbama koliko god može.

Zbog manjka dokaza Conrado odluči pojedinačno ispitati članove obitelji. Simona se nakon smrti svog voljenog Tomása razboli te odluči napustiti La Promesu. Romulo je nastoji utješiti, ali to uspijeva samo Jani.

Kuharica pokazuje Jani fotografiju na kojoj ona prepoznaje svoju majku. Što to povezuje Simonu i Dolores?

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La Promesa 3. Episode in English

Jana hides Tomás’ ring and her mother’s photo in the room she shares with María Fernández. As the family and servants participate in Conrad’s investigation, she obeys the marquise’s humiliating orders as best she can.

Due to the lack of evidence, Conrado decides to question the family members individually. After the death of her beloved Tomás, Simona falls ill and decides to leave La Promesa. Romulo tries to comfort her, but only Jana succeeds.

The cook shows Jana a photo in which she recognizes her mother. What connects Simona and Dolores?

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