La Promesa 4 Episode

Na imanju La Promesa u tijeku su pripreme za bdjenje za Tomása. Catalina nema snage prisustvovati bratovu sprovodu, unatoč pritisku koji joj nameću Cruz i barun De Linaja. U međuvremenu, Petra i dalje daje Jani najteže zadatke slijedeći markizina naređenja.

U međuvremenu, Conrado nastavlja istragu Tomásova umorstva. Narednik je uvjeren da je to bio zločin iz strasti. On sumnjiči Janu i ispituje je. No, poslije shvaća i to da je Lola bila pokojnikova ljubavnica.

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La Promesa 4. Episode in English

At the La Promesa estate, preparations are underway for a vigil for Tomás. Catalina does not have the strength to attend her brother’s funeral, despite the pressure put on her by Cruz and Baron De Linaja. Meanwhile, Petra continues to give Jana the most difficult tasks following the marquis’s orders.

Meanwhile, Conrado continues his investigation into Tomás’s murder. The sergeant is convinced that it was a crime of passion. He suspects Jana and interrogates her. However, he later realizes that Lola was the deceased’s lover.

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