La Promesa 6 Episode

Jana od Conrada sakrije nož za otvaranje pisama pa njegovi ljudi pretraže cijelu sobu, a ona za to vrijeme izbjegne zamku koju su joj Petra i markiza postavile. Ali Conrada naljuti taj djevojčin postupak pa je zaključa u sobu.

Kad Manuel za to sazna, on je pohita obraniti, što zabrine Cruz koja se počinje bojati da se njezin sin zaljubljuje u Janu.

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La Promesa 6. Episode in English

Jana hides a letter-opening knife from Conrad, so his men search the entire room, while she avoids the trap that Petra and the Marquise set for her. But Conrad is angered by the girl’s behavior, so he locks her in the room.

When Manuel finds out about it, he rushes to defend her, which worries Cruz, who starts to fear that her son is falling in love with Jana.

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