La Promesa 9 Episode

Posluga u palači šokirana je Lolinim uhićenjem i samo Jana vjeruje da je ona nevina. Ona nastavlja skupljati informacije o Dolores, Eugeniji i njezinom sinu Curru.

Iznenadi je povratak Conrada, koji nakon što je ispitao Lolu počinje vjerovati u Janinu teoriju da se ovdje događa nešto čudno. Leonor povjerava Jimeni glasine koje kruže o Tomásu i mlada udovica odluči napustiti La Promesu.

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La Promesa 9. Episode in English

The servants in the palace are shocked by Lola’s arrest and only Jana believes that she is innocent. She continues to gather information about Dolores, Eugenia and her son Curro.

There is a sudden return of Conrad, who after questioning Lola begins to believe Jana’s theory that something strange is going on here. Leonor confides in Jimena the rumors about Tomás and the young widow decides to leave La Promesa.

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