Safir 3. Epizoda

Jaman, koji misli da će se Ateš i Feraje vjenčati, spreman je da sve pokvari. U međuvremenu, dok Feraje traži druge načine da pobjegne iz Kapadokije, Džemile joj pomaže u svoju korist. Muhsin je pristao, Feraje će otići u Istanbul. Ali ne ide sve kako je planirano.

Gulfem, naprotiv, čini sve da pridobije Alejnu na svoju stranu i upuca Džemila iz svog pištolja. Alejna, koja ne može da se približi Jamanu, ne zna šta da radi. Šokantan razvoj događaja koji se dešava kada vural učini sve da osveti sina Boru dovešće do situacije neočekivane za sve.

Safir 3. Episode in English

Jaman, who thinks that Ateš and Feraje will get married, is ready to spoil everything. Meanwhile, while Feraeus is looking for other ways to escape from Cappadocia, Dzemile helps her to her advantage. Muhsin agreed, Feraje will go to Istanbul. But not everything goes as planned.

Gulfem, on the contrary, does everything to get Alayna on his side and shoots Dzemil with his gun. Alejna, who can’t get close to Yaman, doesn’t know what to do. The shocking development of events that occurs when the vural does everything to avenge his son Boro will lead to a situation unexpected for everyone.

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