Safir 4. Epizoda

Da li ce Feraje i Ates uspjeti? Da li će možda Feraje mozda zbog stresa i svega sto je zadesilo pobaciti bebu i Ateš će biti sa njom u ovim lošim danima i ona i Ateš će se zaljubiti?? Postoji li ta mogućnost? Feraje priznaje Jamanu da se potajno vidjala sa Atešom.

Jaman je bijesan zbog toga i kaze joj da nece biti sretna ni dana jednog. Majka se ljuti na Ateša i kaze mu da se nece ozeniti tom djevojkom. Na koju djevojku je mislila na Bade? Ates nije iskren, njega deda pritiska da se oženi sa Bade što on ne zeli. Ovo mu je prilika da se odbrani.

Safir 4. Episode in English

Will Feraje and Ates succeed? Maybe Feraje will miscarry the baby due to stress and everything that happened and Ateš will be with her in these bad days and she and Ateš will fall in love?? Is there such a possibility? Feraje admits to Yaman that she has been secretly seeing Atesa.

Jaman is furious about this and tells her that she will not be happy even for a single day. Mother is angry with Ateš and tells him that he will not marry that girl. Which girl was Bade referring to? Ates is not honest, his grandfather is pressuring him to marry Bade, which he does not want. This is his chance to defend himself.

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