Safir 5. Epizoda

Yamanova borba sa Ferayeom još nije gotova. Pravo pitanje je da li Yaman Feraje voli zaista? Da ju je lijepo volio, otišao bi i ispričao sve Feraye od prvog dana. Da Ateş nije spasio Feraye, ona bi izgorjela u vatri.

Je li to prava ljubav? Zašto krije sve od nje, zar je to ljubav? Nadam se da će jedno drugom reći istinu. Inače će stvari biti gore i stvari će se sve više komplicirati.Ateš i Feraje su se vjerili.

Osjećam da će se Ateş zaljubiti u Aleynu. Nadam se da kad Feraye čuje da je trudna, Aleyna neće zatrudnjeti. Mislim da je Yaman pogriješio jer je šutio. Znao je da je ta djevojka djevojka koja mu se sviđa, nije ništa rekao svom bratu, dopustio je da se zaruče.

Sada maltretira bratovu zaručnicu, postupci koji ne mu priliče, koliko voliš svoga brata, ili ga ostavi ili ga čuvaj, što je to tajno uznemiravanje?Yaman uzima Feraje i kaze jojd a ce sad pobjeci zajedno.

Safir 5. Episode in English

Yamano’s fight with Feraye is not over yet. The real question is, does Yaman really love Feraje? If he loved her well, he would go and tell all the Ferayas from the first day. If Ateş had not saved Feraye, she would have burned in the fire.

Is it true love? Why is he hiding everything from her, is it love? I hope they tell each other the truth. Otherwise, things will be worse and things will get more and more complicated. Ateš and Feraje got engaged.

I feel that Ateş will fall in love with Aleyna. I hope that when Feraye hears that she is pregnant, Aleyna will not get pregnant. I think Yaman was wrong to keep quiet. He knew that this girl was the girl he liked, he didn’t say anything to his brother, he allowed them to get engaged.

Now he is harassing his brother’s fiancee, actions that do not suit him, how much do you love your brother, either leave him or keep him, what is this secret harassment? Yaman takes Feraje and says yes, and now they will run away together.

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