Safir 6. Epizoda

Ateš staje ispred Yamana i na lijep način mu kaže da ga ne zanima ono što je bilo i ne tiče ga se prošlost, ali ono što je sad, i što će biti sve što je vezano za Feraje ga se tiče jer će ona postati njegova žena.

Uprkos bratovim riječima, Yaman opet ulazi u sobu u kojoj Feraje oblači vjenčanicu te joj kaže da će i umrijeti i otići u pakao ako treba ali da bude s njom, da nastave svoju ljubav. U tom trenu ulazi Ateš u sobu. Hoće li ih vidjeti i čuti?

Safir 6. Episode in English

Ateš stands in front of Yaman and tells him in a nice way that he is not interested in what was and the past does not concern him, but what is now, and what will be, everything related to Feraje concerns him because she will become his wife .

Despite his brother’s words, Yaman again enters the room where Feraje is putting on her wedding dress and tells her that he will die and go to hell if he has to, but to be with her, to continue their love. At that moment Ateš enters the room. Will they see and hear them?

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