Safir 7. Epizoda

Majka pita Ateša hoće li krenuti za djevojkom koja ga prodala za novac i otisla? Ates je gleda i kaze da on ne staje tako lahko pogotovo ne zbog izdaje. Jaman staje ispred Feraje i kaze joj da će odmah sada reći mu pravu istinu zasto je pobjegla od njegovog brata. Feraje ga gleda. Feraje se ipak nije udala.

Koja je svrha uzeti novac od svekrve i pobjeći?Kako je prijateljica zvana Hazal mogla to učiniti Feraye? Iskreno, Ferayea nije doveo u nimalo ugodnu situaciju. Pitam se je li mislio da će ovaj posao s novcem ostati tajna?

Ali pitanje je da li je Jaman bio fer? Ostavio ju je bez objašnjenja i oženio Alaynu. Otkako je saznao da će se udati za Ateša, nije je učinio ništa osim što ju je terorizirao. Je li reagirala na isti način kad se on ozenio za Alayna?

Ne, iako ju je ostavio trudnu, odlučila je učiniti ono što je najbolje za nju i njezino dijete. Njegova reakcija nije ništa drugo nego čovjek koji je poremećen! Zasto je uporan da ona opet bude s njim?

Safir 7. Episode in English

The mother asks Ateš if he will go after the girl who sold him for money and left? Ates looks at her and says that he does not give up so easily, especially not because of betrayal. Jaman stands in front of Feraja and tells her that right now she will tell him the real truth about why she ran away from his brother. Feraje looks at him. Feraje never got married.

What is the purpose of taking money from mother-in-law and running away? How could a friend named Hazal do that to Feraye? Frankly, he didn’t put Feraye in a comfortable situation at all. I wonder if he thought this money deal would remain a secret?

But the question is, was Jaman fair? He left her without explanation and married Alayna. Ever since he found out that she was going to marry Ateš, he did nothing but terrorize her. Did she react the same way when he married Alayn?

No, even though he left her pregnant, she decided to do what was best for her and her child. His reaction is nothing but a deranged man! Why is he insistent that she be with him again?

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